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Social Media for Grown Ups

social media planning for photographers

The Revolution will be Tweeted/Facebooked/Instagrammed…please RT!

I’m an early adopter. Ok, some might say I’m a social media geek.

It’s true. Hopping on the social media bandwagon wasn’t hard for me.

Within weeks of joining Facebook, I was exhilarated by the possibilty of connecting with new and old friends. It seemed stunningly simple. “Friending” someone was more than a fun novelty; it satiated my craving for community.

That universal human need for community is exactly why the operative word in social media is “social.” Real leaders in social media don’t use tools like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to opportunistically build their businesses. They use these tools to build genuine relationships. Social media is not productive – or powerful – until it transforms a loose group of strangers into a bonded community of like-minded people.

As we continue to map our relationships via Facebook, share our conversations via Twitter, and capture slices of our experiences via Instagram, we form authentic connections that fuel our lives, inspire our photography and add value to our businesses.

This volume of The Photo Life Dispatch explores Social Media Strategy from a variety of personal and practical perspectives. In addition to a content-rich Field Guide, you’ll discover how photographers like Amber Holritz, Phil Thornton, and Jasmine Star harness the power of social media to connect with their clients and forge friendships. We hope you’ll be challenged to dig deeper and uncover ways that you can use social media to build genuine relationships. These relationships have the power to transform our community.



Woody Allen said, “90 percent of success is just showing up.” While this adage may apply to many areas of life, one thing is certain: “Showing up” is NOT enough to succeed in social media.

Most of us “show up” to the virtual party by updating our Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, blogs, and LinkedInTM profiles. Jumping on the social media bandwagon without a strategy is like packing your suitcase without having a clue about where you’re going or how you’ll get there!

We participate in social media with the intent of growing our businesses, but the hours many photographers spend online don’t always translate into measurable business growth. Because social media tools connect us to others in ways that blur the lines between business and personal, it’s easy to fall into a dangerous trap of using social media passively, without a strategic plan.


Continue to connect with Volume 2 of the Dispatch by sharing your thoughts here on The Photo Life Blog and on
Facebook and Twitter of course, #ThePhotoLife.

  1. What is your biggest obstacle when working on your social media plan?
  2. What have you found to be your biggest strength when using social media?
  3. What are your goals for using social media in your photography business?

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!