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No Studio or Office Space?

office-space.jpgWhere do most of us meet perspective brides and grooms? In a perfect world we would ALL have amazing studio space or at least a great office; but, we don’t. So, where do we meet up with prospective clients that are interested in hiring us to shoot their weddings? Coffee shops? Nice hotels? Their home or apartment? Our home or apartment? And if we do meet them anywhere but an office-like location do we seem unprofessional?

I polled some friends and some Pictage photogs and this is what I found.
If no outside office or studio:
54.5% are using coffee shops
18.2% are using nice local hotels
18.2% are bringing the bride and groom to their home
9.1% are going to the bride and grooms home

The photogs that were polled have never been told it is unprofessional or have lost business from meeting in such a way. On the contrary, they have been told it is a convenient and relaxing way to have a meeting. Most of the photogs bring a laptop to show a slide show, one or two sample albums and then some studio information for the couple to take home; such as, package cost, rough contract, price list and of course a business card.

What works best for you? Share your feedback – leave a comment with your experiences.

Written by Meredith Ward, Pro Consultant

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!