Home / Jared Platt / Photography Notes: A Wedding at the Grand Canyon

Photography Notes: A Wedding at the Grand Canyon

I wanted to take a departure from my normal technical podcast today and talk about a wedding I just photographed and some of my thoughts behind it. This is the first time I’ve done this, but I had such a strong reaction to this wedding and want to learn from this experience by discussing my thoughts and emotions. After all, this is what we’re paid to do, our job is to experience and to learn and to apply that knowledge and wisdom to our photography. So, I thought I would share this exercise with you and I encourage you to try it as well.

Manuel and Samirah were married on the edge of the Grand Canyon, but it was not just their wedding location that made it an interesting wedding. There were so many details that made this wedding extra special. I wanted to talk about them and about the way this wedding felt. Samirah chose to make the wedding simple, but full of meaningful events and ceremony. I was truly touched.

Photography Notes: A Wedding at the Grand Canyon from Jared Platt on Vimeo.

Music courtesy of Triple Scoop Music

About Jared Platt

photographer jared plattJared Platt is a professional photographer and photographic educator. He studied photography at Arizona State University where he earned his undergraduate and masters degrees in Photography. He teaches college photography courses as well as workshops for professional photographers and provides online education for photographers and photo enthusiast throughout the world.

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!