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5 Tips for Coordinating and Creating Compelling Social Media Messaging

Coordinating social media messaging can be daunting. Not only do you feel pressured to craft perfectly interesting messaging that attracts attention, but you’re supposed to do it consistently!

Here are five tips for removing stress and saving time while creating social media messaging for these channels:

1. Choose the right tool.

Instead of jumping from login to login, choose a tool that enables you to post content on various social media sites from a central location. We recommend Hootsuite.

2. Schedule in batches.

Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike or spending bits of time creating social media messaging throughout the week, identify a specific time and day each week to create and schedule messages. By batching your messages, you’ll be consistent and efficient.

Note: Although you’re scheduling in advance, don’t be afraid to make relevant updates as they arise. By not overloading your schedule, you’ll be flexible yet consistent.

3. Understand the purpose of every channel.

Each social media channel where you choose to “hang out” should be assigned a distinct and individual purpose. Understanding each channel’s purpose helps you decide what messaging is relevant and important. For example, we use Facebook to share content links while we use Twitter to share content, content marketing tips and curated content. With these purposes in mind, we eliminate any guesswork.

4. Use different messaging for different channels.

Even if you’re sharing the same content on multiple channels, don’t simply copy and paste identical messaging for each channel. Just as each channel has a specific purpose, each channel also has a specific audience.

5. Change one variable at a time.

Implement your strategy consistently for a period of 3 months before making changes. When making changes, change one variable at a time, such as frequency, timing or messaging. Monitor and measure again before making any other changes. This will put you on track for consistent success!

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!