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Social Media for Grown Ups

The Revolution will be Tweeted/Facebooked/Instagrammed…please RT! I’m an early adopter. Ok, some might say I’m a social media geek. It’s true. Hopping on the social media bandwagon wasn’t hard for me. Within weeks of joining Facebook, I was exhilarated by the possibilty of connecting with new and old friends. It seemed stunningly simple. “Friending” someone was more than a fun novelty; it satiated my craving for community. That universal human need for community is exactly why the operative word in social media is “social.” Real leaders in social media don’t use tools like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to opportunistically build their businesses. They use these tools to build genuine relationships. Social media is not productive – or powerful – until it transforms a loose group

Tips for Getting Started in Boudoir Photography

I receive tons of emails from enthusiastic photographers who are catching boudoir fever and would love to know how to get started!  Here’s a perfect example: “I am just starting out as a photographer and would love to do Boudoir.  There are so many things I need to do and learn, and I am working to raise the money needed for equipment, sets, and marketing. I’m not sure what to do first or how to really get started!” Here is my best advice for a helpful approach in getting started, how to prioritize your investments, create a smoking hot portfolio, and get that first boudoir client! KEEPING A PLAYFUL AND INTELLIGENT APPROACH As a boudoir photographer and as a woman, I live by the following

The Creative’s Guide to the Profit Puzzle

**Great news! We’re hard at work updating this guide and will be re-releasing it shortly. In the meantime, check out The Photo Life Social Media Guide!** You’re invited to delve deeper with The Photo Life Dispatches. Dispatches are designed to be your guide. They explore topics that are important to you as business owners, while recognizing your desire to create is as vital as your desire to learn. Dispatches help you navigate an industry that’s changing at warp-speed. The first volume explores your photo business’s profit puzzle from a variety of practical perspectives. One of the key educational elements is a Field Guide, eight content-rich pages written specifically as The Creative’s Guide to the Profit Puzzle. The Creative’s Guide to the Profit Puzzle Trying to

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!