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SEO For Photographers: Not All Links Are Created Equal

Unlike the US Declaration of Independence, when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), not all links are created equal. In fact, some are virtually useless in building your PageRank (PR) – Google’s way of ranking websites. PR is a measurement for a website’s influence or priority. The higher the PR, the more powerful it is. The lower the PR, the less powerful it is … or the less “Google Juice” it has. The goal is to find relevant inbound links to build your PageRank. There are essentially two types to of relevant links to pay attention to — topically relevant links rel=”follow” links Topically Relevant Links Topically relevant links are links that pertain to the same content as your website. Remember that Google’s goal

The Professional Photographer’s Facebook Strategy Handbook by Lawrence Chan

Are you leveraging the world’s largest social network for your photography business? Start fine-tuning your Facebook strategy with practical tips and insight from marketing strategist Lawrence Chan in this in-depth guide created exclusively for The Photo Life. TAKE A LOOK INSIDE One overlooked feature about Facebook Insights is Engaged Users. I’m not talking about just looking at the number. If you click on the number of Engaged Users, it’ll show you how many people gave “negative feedback.” A Negative Feedback is not an Unlike. It’s just as bad though. It’s when people decide to hide your posts. So, use this as a measure to see what posts work and what posts don’t. To see your Insights, follow these instructions: Go view Insights. Hit “See All.”

6 Steps to Better UX Design

*Update: Congrats to Travis Gray for winning a copy of Lawrence’s new book “Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers!”* Everything you do, wear, drive, eat, and so forth are expressions of your character. If it is you that makes you unique, then let’s talk about the storefront that’s open 24/7 — your website — and see how it’s applicable to other designs as well. One cannot not communicate: Every behavior is a kind of communication. Because behavior does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behavior), it is not possible not to communicate. – Paul Watzlawick Since every behavior is a kind of communication, it would be sensible to first understand our target audience. 1. Project Usability What is the goal of your viewers? What are

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!