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Mike Larson Mingles with Engle – WPPI-Style

Written by Emily Engle

One of the best things about WPPI is that everyone has something to learn. I was able to snag photographer Mike Larson away from our Pictage booth for a quick “Mingle with Engle.” Here’s what he had to say…


(Thanks Kenny Kim for the photo of Mike and me!)

What is your favorite thing about WPPI this year?
So much going on, so many great people, so much inspiration. Its the springboard of connections, gear, new technology, innovation, and setting goals for the year. I don’t know a single photographer who went and didn’t come back pumped with new goals and full of energy for this upcoming year.

Why is the Pictage booth a great opportunity for members to connect with speakers?

As a photographer and a teacher, I am passionate about being able to share and connect. Inspiration is something that happens at WPPI, I think every photographer leaves thinking, where was I when I was MOST inspired. Sometimes you can connect more with photographers and hear “nuggets” that are easy to apply in their businesses, enabling them to grow fast. I know this happened the 1st time to me, when I was at the Pictage Booth in 2005. I soaked up the knowledge and experience of photographers. Q&A is what this place offers.

What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home?
We are again going to restructure our business for more flexibilty. The longer I am in business, the more maturity I get as a business owner, I realize that I CANNOT do everything, and I need to compartmentalize business tasks and figure out what I can do and not do. That is a constant area of discovery and new action in my life. I look at my wife every day and have plans to do things with her that I’m not always able to do. I look at my friends and my body, my wife, and my life and I want to never look back and regret any decision I made or didn’t make enable me to have freedom with my time, finances, and talents to bless others around me.

What is one thing you have learned so far?
I’ve learned that I have so much to learn. I’ve learned that my goals that I have set are SO crucial and I need to develop and hone them even more.

-Check at Mike’s portfolio of work here

-Follow along on his blog here

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!