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Mingle with Engle & Jared Bauman

Today’s Interview is with Jared Bauman of Bauman Photographers


*Describe your photography style:
Well, its difficult to describe my style, but I can definitely say that it is the uniqueness of every couple that inspires me.  Capturing that very uniqueness is what inspires me to be creative, to be different, to break the rules – whatever I need to do to capture them on camera.  I’ve heard the word “comfortable” used a lot to describe my style, and I think I really like that.


*What is a must read or must see?
Just finished Harry Beckwith’s “The Invisible Touch”, the sequel to “Selling the Invisible” – that guy is brilliant! 

*What are your work hours?
I’m up every day around 7am (morning person) and work from home from about 8:30-10.  I head down to the studio at 10, and usually leave around 4pm, unless I have a photo shoot.  Summers are busier, winters are slower, you know the drill . . .  Unlike many, I don’t work at night, unless to briefly catch up on email – I say that as I’m filling this out at 10:50 pm.


*What is your favorite thing about Pictage?
P3 by far – saves my studio sooooo much money every year!  I love the reaction I get when people ask me how much I pay for credit card services, and I smile and say “nothing”.

*What lens could you not live without?
Can I pick two?  70-200/2.8 AND 50/1.2


*How long have you been a photographer? How did you get started?
I’m in my sixth year of business, although the first three were part time and extremely misguided.  I actually never wanted to be a wedding photographer – I always wanted to be a landscape photographer.  But I was given the opportunity to try it out, and figured it was the next best thing.  It turns out I fell in love with it – lucky for me!

*What was your very first job?
Jamba Juice . . . Worked there for two years.  I still have an old Jamba Juice blender in my house and can make a mean smoothie!


*Most listened to song on your ipod?
Just checked the iTunes count – “Noticed” by a band called Mute Math out of New Orleans.  If you haven’t seen them live, they are amazing!  Great music to rock out to.

*What is a goal for 2008? What is one thing you have learned in 2008?
Our big studio goal for 2008 has been to increase a la carte sales after the wedding, and so far we’ve done an amazing job.  I think we still have a lot of room to grow on that, though, as “sales” isn’t something I’m naturally good at, and finding my way of selling things is still a learning process. 

My personal goal was to give back to the photography community as much as I could, and in tangible ways.  I’m really excited about the speaking tour I’m going on this summer, and I hope I can live out that goal while doing that! 

Something I’ve learned . . .  Well, this year, I have learned the value of taking care of your vendors.  I spent two weeks in Australia this year with three wedding coordinators, and I learned so much about the value of taking care of your vendors.

*What is one thing we don’t know about you?
I’ll go down the embarrassing road.  Amongst my circle of friends, there is a term called a “Jared-ism”, which is easier known as messing up commonly used phrases.  I have a habit of doing this quite a bit, and my college roommates still keep track of them.  Last count, they were over 70 . . . Someday they’re going to have enough material for a book!


*Who inspires you?
Certain close friends of mine who have mastered finding balance in their life, my pastor, my girlfriend.

*What blog do you stalk?
Well, if I was honest, I’d tell you all about my favorite financial and economic blogs, but that probably wouldn’t interest anyone.  I do love to read Dane Sanders’ blog, as I find he is such a giving person, and I always appreciate what he posts.

*If you had a tagline, what would it be?
Honesty is always the best policy.


*Any words of wisdom to share…
Don’t take work home with you – separate your business life from your personal life.  My business is a personal investment of mine, and its very hard not to take everything personally, both the good and bad.  Lately I’ve been really trying to focus on letting go of the personal side that we all feel for our business’ – it makes everything a lot easier and clearer. 

You are the best Jared, thank you!!

The sites:

And the speaking tour’s website:

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!