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Need Light? Speedlite! Tour Coming to a City Near You


What does it take to create stunning professional photos over and over again with any type of camera and lenses? Learn from Bob Davis and Stephen Eastwood at one of their Need Light? Speedlite! tour stops, hitting 32 cities across the United States between March 9 and May 29, 2014!

Both recognized as Canon Explorers of Light, Bob and Stephen have mastered Speedlites and used them for countless shoots since the beginning of their careers. They have also taught their unique techniques to numerous students around the world.

“Why speedlites?” The answer: Small lights with BIG possibilities! Both Bob and Stephen want to teach you new ways to think about lighting, so you too can achieve stunning results with small strobes.

The Need Light? Speedlite! tour consists of two parts:

Daytime Workshop
The daytime workshop alternates between the two instructors as they breakdown their tested lighting methods and theories equipped with cutting-edge gear along alternates for the same high end gear. Using live models, they will demonstrate their approach to light and photography. After a robust six-hour class, all participants have the opportunity to participate in a free two-hour live shoot, where they get to put their newly acquired skills to use. With four models in four different shooting bays, attendees will not only test what they have learned but also get a chance to create beautiful imagery for their own portfolios.

Evening Master Class

The second half is a three-and-a-half hour evening master class reserved for anyone who wants to take a deeper approach to photography with speedlites. Coached by Bob and Stephen themselves, participants will get a truly hands-on experience in a limited class size setting, which ensures that each student gets a personalized critique and attention. Students can alter lighting setups, modify speedlites and perfect their own shooting styles.

Watch the trailer, learn more about the tour and reserve your spot today!










Learn more about Bob Davis (left) and Stephen Eastwood (right).

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!