ShootQ & Treating Customers Like Gold Helped Abbey Kyhl Build a Thriving Photography Business
Mar 31, 2015


Abbey Kyhl never planned to be a photographer, but after years as an advertising executive, photography found her. Driven and self-taught with a lot of passion and dedication, she began her photography career shooting portraits. As her business grew, she realized she couldn’t do it all and decided she needed to choose a specialty. She always loved weddings, so it made perfect sense to focus on them.

Now, eight years later, Abbey enjoys a referral-only business and a work-life balance to envy. But how does she do it? For Abbey, it’s simple: “Find your ideal client and treat them like gold. It all comes down to how you treat clients and the experience you give them. They refer family, friends and coworkers. The best way to be successful is personal recommendations. I love my clients and go the extra mile for them.”


Abbey first learned about ShootQ in Eric O’Connor’s master class at WPPI. “Eric is the most amazing wedding photographer and a genius with his business,” she said. “He talked about the systems he uses, and ShootQ was the big one. I signed up as soon as I got home and have loved it ever since. I couldn’t function without ShootQ!”

Abbey uses many of the features ShootQ offers, including contracts, workflows, email templates, payments, questionnaires and more. “I use it quite a lot, and I absolutely love it,” she said. “I focus on being efficient, and ShootQ seamlessly integrates with other systems in my business. It makes my life so much easier. I’ve cut so much time on the back end of things, I save 20 hours per client. I used to have an assistant, but now I don’t need one.”


As far as how easy or challenging ShootQ setup is, Abbey says it’s all in the preparation. “Eric was good to warn his students that the setup was intense, so I knew I had to have all my stuff ready,” she said. “I didn’t think it was that bad, because I was prepared. I had a list of what you need to have before you start. It was not tricky at all to take what I was using, put it in ShootQ and just start using it.”

“ShootQ is your studio assistant,” said Abbey. “You can’t just hire someone and not have to sit down and educate them. Setting up ShootQ is essentially the same thing; you have to be prepared and know what you want. It only took me an afternoon to setup. I didn’t think it was intense at all.”

Abbey offers some sage advice for new ShootQ users. “Make sure you know what you want to use ShootQ for before you start. Then have your materials ready before you sit down and start inputting information.”


Automating recurring processes is a key benefit of ShootQ. “I love the automation and how I can pre-schedule things,” said Abbey. “Plus, it’s really professional. I like how it is personalized and presented to clients. My business is on higher price end, and if you want to live in that space, everything you do has to look streamlined and professional, and be delivered on time.”

“For me, I really love that ShootQ is online instead of a desktop download, because I access it from different computers,” said Abbey. “I use the app at every wedding. I love it! I live and die by that app.”


Prior to discovering ShootQ, Abbey had completely given up on her former solution. “It was too difficult, so I just stopped using it,” she said.

ShootQ’s integration with payment processing solutions like Braintree was a big selling point for Abbey. “I love that ShootQ integrates with other systems. It hooks up to my account and deposits payments automatically. I don’t have to think about it.”

For Abbey, the price difference is worth every penny. “Time is money,” she said. “How much time did I spend doing all the stuff my former solution couldn’t do? ShootQ could do it all for an additional $25 a month. It didn’t make sense not to go the ShootQ route.”


Abbey is a firm believer in building successful working relationships, not only with her clients, but also with her service providers,” she said. “You should definitely find the company that works best for you and make a personal connection with them. The ShootQ team is so nice, friendly and helpful. They know who I am. It’s so great to have a personal connection. If I have a problem, I can email and know I’ll get the help I need.”

ShootQ also helps her put her best foot forward with her clients. “My brides are very detail-oriented and love that I am on top of the details. It gives me more time to focus on their stories and wedding days.”


“I am the poster child for ShootQ,” said Abbey. “There is not anyone who works with me who isn’t aware that I love ShootQ. I talk about it more than the average person. I know what a difference it can make and what it did for me. It’s making a huge difference in my business. If you want to take your business to the next level and run it better, ShootQ is one of the essential pieces of the puzzle!”

“I’ve cut so much time on the back end of things, I save 20 hours per client. I used to have an assistant, but now I don’t need one.”

- Abbey Kyhl

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By Lauren McConihay 15 Oct, 2024
The holiday season presents a prime opportunity for photographers to connect with clients, both new and old. It’s the time to step up your game and craft the perfect holiday marketing campaign to fill your schedule and grow your business. With a solid strategy in place, you can make the most of the holiday rush and turn it into long-term success. Here's how to build a holiday marketing campaign that will work for you. Start Early with Holiday Marketing The holiday season comes fast, and one of the most common mistakes photographers make is starting too late. To stay ahead of the competition, start your holiday marketing campaign early. Early preparation lets you organize, plan, and execute your marketing efforts without scrambling at the last minute. Get your social media posts, emails, and promotions lined up ahead of time. A good first step is sending out a teaser email. Something as simple as a “Save the Date” message can get clients thinking about their holiday photography needs. Starting early not only gets you on their radar but also gives them time to plan their sessions with you. Create Holiday-Themed Packages People love a good deal, especially around the holidays. Offering holiday-themed packages is an easy way to catch your clients' attention. Whether it’s family portraits, holiday cards, or mini-sessions, craft packages that speak to the needs of your clients during the season. Once your packages are set, communicate them clearly. Use a streamlined system to manage bookings and payments, ensuring a smooth experience for your clients. Clear pricing guides and visually appealing offers will help potential clients see the value in your holiday sessions. Leverage Social Media for Holiday Marketing Social media is a major player in holiday marketing, especially for photographers. It’s where you showcase your work, engage with your audience, and promote your holiday offers. The key is consistency and planning ahead. Set up a posting schedule that aligns with your holiday promotions. Share sneak peeks of your holiday sessions, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content. Instagram stories or countdowns can build anticipation around your holiday offers. By scheduling your posts ahead of time, you’ll have more room to focus on the work that matters—capturing stunning photos. Personalize Your Client Communication The holiday season is about connection, and clients appreciate when businesses make an effort to personalize their communication. A little effort goes a long way when it comes to retaining clients. Keep track of client preferences, previous sessions, and important details. ShootQ is a great system for keeping track of past client activity. When the holidays roll around, you’ll have all the information you need to personalize your marketing. For example, if you shot a family’s photos last year, send them a custom email offering a return-client discount. You can even include personalized holiday cards or small tokens of appreciation. Keeping it personal strengthens client relationships and increases the likelihood of future bookings. Use Email Campaigns to Drive Bookings Email marketing is one of the most effective tools in your holiday marketing toolkit. But with inboxes full of holiday promotions, yours needs to stand out. Keep your emails short, visually appealing, and to the point. Use high-quality photos, clear calls-to-action, and a simple booking process. For example, send an email announcing your holiday mini-sessions. Include photos from previous holiday sessions to inspire your clients. Follow-up emails can serve as reminders, making sure clients know your booking deadlines before they miss out. Offer Gift Cards for Holiday Marketing Gift cards are an excellent option for clients looking to give the gift of photography. Whether it’s a family portrait session or something more personal, photography makes a meaningful gift. Simplify the process for clients by offering digital gift cards that are easy to purchase and redeem. Gift cards can be promoted in your email campaigns and on social media. Highlight the convenience and thoughtfulness of giving photography as a gift, and you’ll attract clients who are looking for something unique and memorable. Create a Sense of Urgency If you want clients to book quickly, create a sense of urgency. Limited-time offers, countdowns, and early-bird pricing are all ways to motivate clients to act now. By setting clear deadlines, you give clients a reason to book without delay. You can send email reminders as deadlines approach or use social media to announce that slots are filling up fast. This strategy not only drives bookings but also ensures your holiday schedule fills up before the season is in full swing. Stay Organized With the holiday rush, staying organized is non-negotiable. It’s easy to let things slip through the cracks when you’re juggling multiple bookings, sessions, and payments. Keep track of everything in one place, from bookings and payments to session details and deadlines. Organization ensures that you provide a smooth, stress-free experience for your clients, which keeps them coming back. With an efficient system in place, you can focus more on shooting and less on managing the administrative side of things. Follow Up After the Holidays Once the holiday season wraps up, your marketing efforts shouldn’t stop. A strong follow-up can help maintain relationships and lead to future bookings. Sending out thank-you emails or asking for client feedback shows that you care about their experience. You can also offer special discounts or incentives for clients to book again in the new year. This kind of follow-up strengthens your client relationships and keeps your business top of mind even after the holiday season has passed. Conclusion Building a successful holiday marketing campaign takes planning, organization, and a proactive approach. Photographers who start early, offer enticing packages, and stay consistent in their communication will stand out. With the right strategy, you can turn the holiday season into an opportunity for lasting growth. Get organized, stay focused, and make this holiday season one that helps your photography business thrive.
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