Home / Jared Platt / Pre-Visualization


Hey everyone,

I am gearing up for Pictage Partner Conference in New Orleans. This year will be even better than last year. I am even teaching a shooting workshop this year. It is not your typical shooting workshop. I am calling it “Shooting with Socrates.” Well in thinking about all of my lectures and workshops at the Partner Conference, my usual Lightroom how-to post turned out to be a bit more about photography and less about Lightroom, but I think it is a worthwhile thought to make.

In addition to speaking at Partner Conference and teaching a shooting workshop there, my Lightroom Workflow Workshop at the Pictage Partner Conference in New Orleans on November 8th is FREE for all Partner Conference attendees. So sign up for Partner Conference and come learn how to speed up your post-production workflow.

My Lightroom Workflow Workshop will be in a city near you soon. Go to www.jaredplattworkshops.com to learn more.

Pre-Visualization from Jared Platt on Vimeo.

Photographer’s who are good at what they do, do not simply see what is in front of them. They see possibilities. They see contradictions, humor, subtleties and sometimes, they see what isn’t there, or what could be. So when we look at a good photograph, we are really looking into the mind of the photographer, not at the real world. One of the skills a good photographer must possess is the skill of pre-visualization: seeing the end from the beginning. That one skill sets him or her apart from the masses because the masses do not see what could be, they only see what is.

This podcast is a random thoughts podcast on the art of pre-visualization.

To view this video in your ipad or iphone, go to: http://vimeo.com/15372037

Written by Jared Platt

Jared is a professional photographer and photographic educator. He studied photography at Arizona State University where he earned his undergraduate and masters degrees in Photography. He teaches college photography courses as well as workshops for professional photographers and provides online education for photographers and photo enthusiast throughout the world.

Jared Platt will be speaking and leading a shooting workshop at PartnerCon this November. For more details and to see the full schedule, visit www.partnercon.pictage.com.

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!