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Photography 101

When I joined Pictage last year, I had little knowledge of photography.  Sure, I have had point-and-shoot cameras and played around with Photoshop, but never truly understood the fundamental elements that make good – if not – great images.  Since joining, I have been indoctrinating into the world of photography, spent time with many of our customers, and have developed a strong interest in photography.  So, at PartnerCon in New Orleans – DSLR in hand – I got my first real opportunity to wander the French Quarter and attempt to capture the environment and moments with a greater appreciation for the craft.  While a few of my pictures turned out OK (if I may say so myself), it was solely due to the sheer number

3 Keys to Financial Success

We would like to welcome Pictage Chief Financial Officer Kevin Rubin to the Pictage Blog as he shares his financial advice with the Pictage Community. Whether you have a new photography business or have been in business for many years, the current economic climate makes it difficult for small businesses. In this post Kevin brings it back to the basics, setting a solid foundation for your business to sustain financially in any climate. If you have any follow up questions or suggestions for future topic from Kevin, email them to blog@pictage.com or leave a comment below. From Kevin: Many of today’s small businesses face the same age-old difficulties of controlling cash flow, justifying expenses, negotiating favorable deals with suppliers and vendors, balancing quality and costs,

The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!