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Archives for 2010

Becoming a Certified Photographer- The “How” and “Why”

Making a living as a professional photographer is tough. Especially these past few years.  With the relatively low-cost of entry into our profession, thousands are picking up cheap DSLRs, turning them to P-mode, and calling themselves professional photographers. The low-end and middle-markets have been hit hard for the past few years, with the new photographers

How to Incorporate Holiday Cards Into Your Business This Year

Holiday Cards are good for any client and any photographer! Even you male photographers out there that might think they’re a tad too girly for you. Your lady clients will love them. And they mean free advertisement for you! *Wedding, portrait, and even some commercial clients (think realtors) are great clients to offer them to.


Hey everyone, I am gearing up for Pictage Partner Conference in New Orleans. This year will be even better than last year. I am even teaching a shooting workshop this year. It is not your typical shooting workshop. I am calling it “Shooting with Socrates.” Well in thinking about all of my lectures and workshops

Seeing the Light

I’ve always been fascinated by light, you could say I’m a seeker of light. Without light we cannot practice our craft. Lets take a moment before we take the picture and see the light. Is the available light going to fulfill my creative vision? Often times I don’t have the luxury to shoot when the

Tips for Offering Holiday Specials

Besides the obvious profit incentive, offering holiday specials and promotions is just another excuse to be creative and to offer existing and potential clients a great experience. Here are some specific tips and tricks to doing this. –Start early. Be ready early and give your clients a reason to book early such as a print

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!