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Four Ways to Bring Your Clients Into the Creative Process

Communication Getting your clients to be creative with you starts with good old fashion communication. Communication of today’s world such as email, Facebook and Twitter are no substitute for face-to-face communication. If an in person meeting is not possible, picking up a phone or making a Skype call is the next best thing. When you

People Without People

The tiniest things tell us the most about people. A locket on a bride’s bouquet contains a black-and-white photograph of her grandparents, a hand-stitched handkerchief is embroidered with a groom’s monogram, ornate hats are testaments to traditional British wedding culture. Seasoned photojournalist Alan Berner calls these details “people without people.” He explains, “For me it

Rules Were Made to be Broken

Playing chords doesn’t make you a jazz composer. Playing it safe around tight corners doesn’t make you a champion grand prix driver. Playing to your strengths doesn’t make you perform under pressure. Here’s the thing: you have to improvise. You must invent new ways of seeing. But first you have to know the rules. Master

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!