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Why Options Stink.

Options. We think we like them. We actually hate them. There’s a hamburger chain out in my neck of the woods called In-N-Out. Many of you have probably heard of them, if not had a hamburger from there at one point. They have a bit of a cult following, with consistent lines out the door at all of their locations. They’re focused on fresh (never frozen) burgers that taste delicious. To appeal to so many people, you’d think they’d have lots of options on their menu. Lots of people = lots of different wants and needs = lots of options. Wrong. In-N-Out has three options: a hamburger, a cheeseburger, and a double cheeseburger. That’s it. I have a rant I do when I present on this

Tips for Booking and Rocking Same-Sex Wedding Shoots

Documenting the story of a same-sex wedding is really not that different from documenting the story of any wedding, at least from the perspective of a wedding photojournalist. In both, a photojournalist’s job is to capture the personalities, the emotions, the moments, the context and the details that work together to give viewers a sense of the love shared by the couple, their family and friends on that one special day. So, how do I go about booking same-sex weddings? 1)  Seek this business only if you are truly supportive. If you have any reservations about the right of gays and lesbians to make meaningful, legal and sacred commitments to each other, that uncertainty will likely show when you meet with couples. 2) Make it

What I Learned from Buying a Commercial Studio Space

As a multiple photographer studio, I quickly learned that having my staff work out of my home wasn’t the best option. Who wants their team members wandering around when you’re trying to finish breakfast? But I was still scared to death when I signed my first three-year lease for a 600 square foot space at over 600 dollars a month. What I didn’t realize was that during the next three years, I would grow my dream then BUY my own studio space. Here’s what I learned from buying a commercial studio space. Why buy? I hate paying someone else money. Doesn’t everyone? I’d rather invest in my own future. Buying a commercial space for my studio meant lower overhead for my business. A mortgage is

How to Collaborate with Clients to Create Inspiring Images

I am living my dream. It’s the truth. I wake up every day and create art. I’m sure many of you feel the same way. Beyond the blessings I feel that I have being a photographer, even more important to me is that I am shooting work that inspires me and others. I ask myself all the time, “What am I shooting that not only inspires me, but others as well?” If you are familiar with my work, you have seen an image of a bride facing a giraffe. It’s my favorite image right now and, admittedly, I’ve put it everywhere! The home page of my website, and on most of my marketing materials. I am asked often how I created this image. How was

To Glorify Your Own Success or Help Your Audience Find Their Own?

When you run a small business, it’s hard to find the line where your business ends and you begin. Because of how closely linked you are to your business, it’s often easiest to focus on yourself and your company instead of creating content that’s client-focused and provides your audience with real value. But what’s easiest isn’t always what’s most effective. You’ve probably noticed that some lucky folks have built a large audience of fans and followers by focusing on themselves. They’ve done it mostly glorifying their success instead of showing others how to find their own success. However, there’s a downside to making your audience want to be you instead of providing real value in showing them how to be the best version of themselves. 1. Fans and followers don’t always

Tips to Give Brides Before Boudoir Photography Sessions

Today’s modern bride is classy, confident and fearless. As a boudoir studio that’s been around since the 1990s, we’ve seen our share of brides. We’ve been shooting bride’s boudoir photographs since 1997. Today’s brides want the best of everything, they know they deserve it, and they’ll stop short of nothing to get it. From booking reception locations to florists and caterers, they spare no expense. This is also true when it comes to giving the groom a gift he’ll never forget. Boudoir photographs have become the number one gift on the bride’s list. Many brides ponder booking a sexy boudoir photo shoot, but when it comes to actually making that call, they have all kinds of questions and doubts that go through their minds. That’s why

Make More Money with Event Cards

If you’re an event photographer, there’s no better opportunity to reach your target market than at an actual event. No matter what kind of event it is — a wedding, mitzvah or birthday party — most of your client’s guests are potential NEW clients for you! Traditionally, client communities consist of similar socioeconomic classes and aesthetic preferences. So, the guests at that event this weekend are prime examples of your target market! And if your client liked you enough to hire you, then many of their guests might too. Don’t pass up an opportunity to market directly to them. Spread the word at the event – use event cards! Not only will you give them a take-away with your contact information, but you’ll also give them

Marry New Media & Traditional Connections to Market Your Business

Today, I’m able to strategically pick where I spend my advertising dollars since I have so many other avenues of connection to people in the industry. I flipped my strategy and am now marketing more heavily to these industry connections rather than directly to my clients. If I can prove to be a valuable asset to my industry colleagues, they will naturally promote my services to their clients. And this tactic directly translates into social media. My colleagues promote my services on Facebook, Linked In and on their websites without ever having to directly say “hire these photographers because”…. All they have to do is show off what I’ve done for them with a link to any one of my online presences and my images

3 Ways Twitter Enhances Email Marketing

Twitter is not just another social network. Other than Facebook, it’s one of the most important social sites you should be active on. Alongside email marketing and Search Engine Optimization, social media is part of any comprehensive marketing strategy. Twitter in particular, is a fast paced, interactive platform and that means you need to stay active yourself. Luckily, staying visible and sharing your email content is easy with Mad Mimi! Here’s some tips on being a Twitter and Email pro: 1. Share your newsletters on Twitter Twitter is a powerful way to share content and that’s exactly why your content should be there! While you can’t possibly condense your Mad Mimi newsletter into 140 characters (click here for some Twitter trivia), the good news is,

Three Ways to Increase Your Business Likeability Factor

At the end of the day, people want to do business with companies they like. Of course, it’s important to have a great product or service and consistently deliver on your promises. But when someone is comparing your service to a competitor’s, how much they like your company is going to be a huge factor in determining if they choose to purchase your product. Whether it’s a conscious decision or not, emotions play a huge role in the buying process, so it’s important that your company has a personality that your audience wants to get to know and can connect with. Tim Sanders, in his book The Likeability Factor, says that in all areas of life, it’s proven over and over that people choose who they like. That’s

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The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!
The NEW ShootQ is Complimentary while in Beta mode for the next few months.  Enjoy!